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Drawing Spatial Lines with SQL Server

Hasan Savran takes us through spatial data types in SQL Server:

In this post, I want to show you how easy it is to draw a spatial line by using spatial points. To make the following demo to work, you must have SQL Server 2017 or later. The reason is, I will use the new system functions STRING_AGG and CONCAT_WS. There are not Spatial functions and you can draw a spatial line by using spatial points. They will make this process easy. You can read about these new function in my older post here.

     I downloaded Hurricane data from NOAA for free. Dataset has the location of the hurricane eyes in latitude and longitude. By knowing the location, its pretty easy to display these points as Spatial data (geography). I wanted to connect these points to each other and create a line, by doing that I could add a buffer around the line and make a spatial range search and find if I have any customer under this line.

I think spatial data types are probably one of the lesser-utilized data types with respect to how useful they can be.