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Counting Virtual Log Files

Jamie Wick has a couple of scripts to help us monitor virtual log file counts for our transaction logs:

The LOGINFO command returns a row for each Virtual Log File in the Transaction Log. The FileSize column shows the size (KB) of each individual VLF. The amount of the transaction log that is currently in use can be determined by the number rows with a Status of 2 (0 = Inactive, 2 = Active & 4 = VLF exists on the Primary replica, but not on the Secondary replica).
One of the biggest problems with the LOGINFO command has been the difficulty of extrapolating the information to include all databases on the server, for use in reports, automated alerts and maintenance processes. Beginning with SQL Server 2016 SP2, there are 2 new Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) that can be used for monitoring the VLF information: sys.dm_db_log_info & sys.dm_db_log_stats.

A huge number of VLFs can be a hidden performance sink.