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Using Crosstabs To Learn About Categorical Variable Relationships

Stacia Varga shows one way of learning about the relationships between categorical variables in Power BI:

A common way to review categorical variable relationships is to create a cross tab, also known as a matrix, to evaluate the counts for each resulting combination.

For example, in my current data set, I can create a matrix to compare the number of players in two teams, say the Knights and the Sharks, by position and by handedness.

In descriptive analytics, I’m not trying to prove anything by looking at these values. I’m just reporting them. (Although I do find it interesting that there is a preponderance of lefties in these two teams.)

In the business world, I might do something similar by placing product categories on rows and customer geography (country or state) on columns.

Stacia also gives her explanation of descriptive analytics, so check that out too.