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Optimizing SSIS Throughput With Buffer Properties

Andy Leonard explains how he uses data flow properties to tune SQL Server Integration Services package performance:

I started answering a question on SQL Community Slack’s #ssis channel and I realized this would be better served as a blog post. The question was about three SSIS Data Flow properties: DefaultBufferSize, Engine Thread and DefaultBufferMaxRows.

I rarely change the EngineThreads property.

DefaultBufferSize and DefaultBufferMaxRows are two ways of managing the size limits of a Data Flow buffer. The two Data Flow Task properties can – and should – be treated as a single property. DefaultBufferSize is the number of bytes per buffer. DefaultBufferMaxRows is the number of rows per buffer. The defaults are 10,485,760 (10M) and 10,000, respectively.

Click through to learn more about these properties.