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Handling Session State With Memory-Optimized Tables

Perry Skountrianos shows how to configure ASP.Net to use memory-optimized tables for session state:

ASP.NET session state enables you to store and retrieve values for a user as the user navigates the different ASP.NET pages that make up a Web application. Currently, ASP.NET ships with three session state providers that provide the interface between Microsoft ASP.NET’s session state module and session state data sources:

  • InProcSessionStateStore, which stores session state in memory in the ASP.NET worker process
  • OutOfProcSessionStateStore, which stores session state in memory in an external state server process
  • SqlSessionStateStore, which stores session state in Microsoft SQL Server database

This blog post focuses on the SqlSessionStateStore provider and describes how you can configure it to use SQL Server In-Memory OLTP as the storage option for session data. You can either use the latest ASP.NET async version of the SQL Session State provider (which is the recommended approach), or configure an earlier version of the provider to work with In-Memory OLTP by downloading and running the In-Memory OLTP SQL scripts from our sql server samples github repo.

The me of seven years ago really needed this.  But with the strong shift against session-based data collection and back to stateless or client-held state paradigms, I’m not sure how many people this helps.