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Finding Queries In Need Of Indexing

Jeff Schwartz continues his series on index tuning:

Table 1 shows examples of queries that potentially need tuning based upon the number of executions, total reads, total duration, total CPU time, and average reads per execution. This kind of report immediately focuses attention on the queries that might benefit the most from either index or query tuning. The five queries highlighted in Table 1 underscore these criteria. The ones highlighted in yellow were the worst offenders because their executions collectively performed the most reads with the worst one totaling 3.5 BILLION reads. The ones highlighted in light green and orange accounted for the most CPU time as well as the longest total duration. The one highlighted in slate ran the most times, and the ones highlighted in gray performed the most reads per execution. This information is vital when determining where query and index tuning should be focused.

Jeff walks through some of his data collection and analysis process in this post, making it worth a read.