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Window Function Basics

Doug Kline has a new series on window functions.  First, he looks at differences between RANK, DENSE_RANK, and ROW_NUMBER:

— Quick! What’s the difference between RANK, DENSE_RANK, and ROW_NUMBER?

— in short, they are only different when there are ties…

— here’s a table that will help show the difference
— between the ranking functions

— note the [Score] column,
— it will be the basis of the ranking

Then, he starts looking at how to build a window function, starting with the OVER clause:

— here’s a simple SELECT statement from the Products table

SELECT ProductName,
FROM Products

— this shows that the highest priced product is Cote de Blaye, productID 38

— but sometimes the *relative* price is more important than the actual price
— in other words, we want to know how products *rank*, based on price

Doug’s entire posts are T-SQL scripts along with embedded videos.