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Columnstore Segment Alignment

Niko Neugebauer walks us through a new segment alignment detection function he has written:

There are 3 important factors that I use for the determination of the column that is really good for the Segment Elimination and hence the Segment Alignment:
– The support for the Segment Elimination (and then for the Predicate Pushdown). If the data type does not support Segment Elimination, than why would someone optimise for it ?
– The frequency with which the column is used in the predicates (not in the joins, because this is where generally the Segment Elimination/Predicate Pushdown does not function)
– The number of the distinct values within a table/partition (if we have more Segments than distinct values, it is not a very good sign generally: example – 10 million rows with 5 distinct values)

Read on for more details.