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Out Of User Memory Quota

Jack Li troubleshoots an In-Memory OLTP error:

[INFO] HkDatabaseTryAcquireUserMemory(): Database ID: [7]. Out of user memory quota: requested = 131200; available = 74641; quota = 34359738368; operation = 1.

This is my first time to see this error.  As usual, I relied on source code to find answers.   The message is a result of enforcing memory quota for In-memory OLTP usage.  As documented in “In-Memory OLTP in Standard and Express editions, with SQL Server 2016 SP1”, SQL Server 2016 SP1 started to allow In-Memory OLTP to be used in all editions but enforce memory quotas for editions other than Enterprise edition.  The above message is simply telling you that you have reached the quota and what ever operation you did was denied.

Jack provides more context around the error as well.