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Tidyverse Updates

Hadley Wickham has two announcements.  First, for a slew of tidyverse packages:

Over the couple of months there have been a bunch of smaller releases to packages in the tidyverse. This includes:

  • forcats 0.2.0, for working with factors.
  • readr 1.1.0, for reading flat-files from disk.
  • stringr 1.2.0, for manipulating strings.
  • tibble 1.3.0, a modern re-imagining of the data frame.

This blog post summarises the most important new features, and points to the full release notes where you can learn more.

Second, a new version of dplyr is coming:

dplyr 0.6.0 is a major release including over 100 bug fixes and improvements. There are three big changes that I want to touch on here:

  • Databases
  • Improved encoding support (particularly for CJK on windows)
  • Tidyeval, a new framework for programming with dplyr

You can see a complete list of changes in the draft release notes.

You can already get a tech preview of the new dplyr if you’re interested in trying it out.