Jovan Popovic shows that Entity Framework is slow and Dapper is fast:
To setup test, you can go to StackExchange/Dapper GitHub an download source code. Tests are created as C# solution (Dapper.sln). When you open this solution you can find Dapper.Tests project. You might need to change two things:
- Connection strings are hardcoded in Tests.cs file with values like “Server=(local)\SQL2014;Database=tempdb;User ID=sa;Password=Password12!”. You might need to change this and put your connection info.
- Project is compiled using dotnet sdk 1.0.0-preview2-003121, so you might get compilation errors if you don’t have a matching framework. I have removed line: “sdk”: { “version”: “1.0.0-preview2-003121” } from global.json to fix this.
Now you will be able to build project and run tests.
Nothing’s going to be faster than hand-crafted, well-tuned statements from people who know what they’re doing. Micro-ORMs like Dapper and FSharp.Data.SqlClient will trade a little bit of a speed hit for developer niceties. Heavier frameworks like Entity Framework and NHibernate add a lot more, but tend to be significantly slower.