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When To Store JSON In SQL Server

Bert Wagner thinks about which conditions should hold for it to make sense to store JSON in SQL Server:

Every once in a while I hear of some technologist say that relational databases are dead; instead, a non-table based NoSQL storage format is the way of the future. SQL Server 2016 introduced JSON functionality, making it possible for some “non-SQL” data storage to make its way into the traditionally tabled-based SQL Server.

Does this mean all data in SQL Server going forward should be stored in long JSON strings? No, that would be a terrible idea. There are instances when storing JSON in SQL Server is a good choice though. In this post I want to create recommendations for when data should be stored as JSON and when it shouldn’t.

Protip:  anyone who says relational databases are dead is already working with one strike against.  Bert has great use cases for JSON as well as a good understanding that there are plenty of anti-use cases, making his post well worth reading.