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Registering U-SQL Assemblies

Michael Rys shows how to register an assembly in the U-SQL catalog:

While the ADL Tools in VisualStudio make it easy to register an assembly, you can also do it with a script (in the same way that the tools do it for you) if you are for example developing on a different platform, have already compiled assemblies that you just want to upload and register. You basically follow the following steps:

You upload your assembly dll and all additionally required non-system dlls and resource files into a location of your choosing in your Azure Data Lake Storage account or even a Windows Azure Blob Store account that is linked to your Azure Data Lake account. You can use any of the many upload tools available to you (e.g., Powershell commands, VisualStudio’s ADL Tool Data Lake Explorer upload, your favorite SDK’s upload command or through the Azure Portal).


  1. Once you have uploaded the dlls, you use the CREATE ASSEMBLY statements to register them.

We will use this approach in the spatial example below.

There’s quite a bit going on in this post, making it an interesting read.