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Data Cleansing In SQLite

Allison Tharp wants to clear out kinda-sorta duplicates from a SQLite table:

However, now I have a lot of database entries that are unneeded.  I thought I would take the time to clean this up (even though I’ll no longer use the data and could easily just delete the tables).  For the BGG Hotness, I have the tables: hotgame, hotperson, and hotcompany.  I have 7,350 rows in each of those tables, since I collected data on 50 rankings every hour for just over 6 days.  However, since the BGG hotness rankings only update daily, I really only need 300 rows (50 rankings * 6 days = 300 rows).

I know think the rankings update between 3 and 4, so I want to only keep the entries from 4:00 AM.  I use the following SELECT statement to make sure I’m in the ballpark with where the data is that I want to keep:

There are several ways to solve this problem; this one is easy and works.  The syntax won’t work for all database platforms, but does the trick for SQLite.