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Category: T-SQL

Using IS DISTINCT FROM in SQL Server 2022

Chad Callihan is distinguished:

One feature introduced with SQL Server 2022 that I’ve recently been playing around with is IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM. This new feature can help when it comes to dealing with NULL value comparisons.

Read on for examples. Do note that x IS NOT DISTINCT FROM y does not provide a performance benefit over its equivalent of x=y OR (x IS NULL AND y IS NULL).

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DATEDIFF() and Month Boundaries

Deb Melkin fed the mogwai after midnight:

I was working on a query this week that reminded me of a fun quirk when working with dates and the DATEDIFF function in particular.

I have a process that takes a while to run. Because of all of the moving parts to keep track of, I have an audit table to track what I’m doing to collect basic info like when did it start, when did it end, etc. I created a simple report for myself to break things down so I can report back to the team. I threw together a simple SQL statement, using DATEDIFF to figure out the how long things took. Looking at the results, I saw some interesting results.

Read on for two queries, one which has a bit of a problem and one which strives to correct that problem.

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ANSI_PADDING and Its Relevance

Vitaly Bruk won’t be late to meetings anymore:

Today, I have late for the team meeting … 🙁

When I joined a Teams meeting, the team discussed ANSI_PADDING. One of the teammates fires at me with the teacher’s voice: “What are we talking about? What is ANSI_PADDING? Shoot!”.

That was a joke, but … just in case, let’s see what is this.

Read on to learn what the ANSI_PADDING attribute is and why it’s relevant.

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Working with Similar but Different Schemas across SQL Server

Aaron Bertrand writes a query, or maybe two:

At Stack Overflow, our environment has multiple implementations of a largely – but not 100% – identical schema. (By “schema,” I mostly mean the set of tables within a database.) I sometimes need to retrieve or update data across a large number of sites. Let’s say, pulling or removing information from the Users table, and related tables, across all of our databases.

Most of the time, we think of “schema drift” as “different from a Platonic ideal of our schema” and try to correct it. In this case, Aaron shows how we can still write queries while embracing schema drift as a basic fact.

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sp_HumanEventsBlockViewer Updates

Erik Darling has another update:

In this post, I’m going to talk about a couple cool changes to sp_HumanEventsBlockViewer, a procedure I wrote to analyze the blocked process report via Extended Events, and wish I had given a snazzier name to.

You see, when I wrote it, I pictured it as a utility script for sp_HumanEvents, which will set up the blocked process report and an extended event. But it turns out I use it a lot more on its own.

Read on for Erik’s update, including a neat trick around using an aggregate within a window function to generate ordering.

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Bug in fn_xe_file_target_read_file

Erik Darling notes a bug:

SQL Server has had the fn_xe_file_target_read_file function for a while, but starting with SQL Server 2017, a column called timestamp_utc was added to the output.

Somewhat generally, it would be easier to filter event data out using this column… if it worked correctly. The alternative is to interrogate the underlying extended event XML timestamp data.

That’s… not fun.

Erik shows us the problem and also provides a workaround, as well as the Microsoft Feedback issue you can vote on to get this done sooner.

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Optimizing for Readability or Performance

Hugo Kornelis talks trade-offs:

But I wanted to contribute anyway. So here is a recent example of code that probably would have made me feel a way if I had been the type of person that gets emotional over code. Or put differently, here is the story of how I gained performance by reducing readability and maintainability.

For the record, and to prevent confusion, I am not going to name actual customers, nor name the ERP system used, and the description I give is highly abstracted away from the original problem, and heavily simplified as well. I describe the basis of what the issue was with the code I encountered and how I fixed it, but without revealing any protected information.

My internal motto is:

  • Start with simple, readable code
  • Move to more complex, faster performance in spots which are necessary
  • Document why the code is more complex with illuminating comments, so that way a future developer (including future you) won’t say, “What was this yokel thinking, doing this complicated thing when there’s an easy approach like this?”
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Understanding String Concatenation with FOR XML PATH

Brent Ozar did some noodling:

The first time I saw FOR XML PATH being used to generate a comma-delimited list, I think I stared at it, shook my head to clear the cobwebs, stared at it some more, and then closed the code editor thinking it was complete witchcraft.

And that same thing probably happened the next several times, too.

But eventually, I took a deep breath and read the code more closely to understand what it was doing.

I do like to joke that this is cryptic code that gets handed down from generation to generation, with each generation saying “Don’t touch the code, for you do not understand it.” But as of SQL Server 2017, you don’t need to do this anymore and can use STRING_AGG().

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The Tally Table Splitter

Steve Jones talks tally tables:

That being said, years ago I got an article from Jeff Moden on the tally table. I hadn’t used this, and was fascinated. I know Itzik had written about numbers tables early on, but it hadn’t caught my attention. However, in a follow-up, Jeff wrote about a splitter function, which would use the tally table to split strings efficiently. This is the function (credit to Jeff in his article):

Click through for that function. The CLR-based tally table function is still faster, but if you can’t have CLR in your environment, and you split strings so frequently that you need a splitter, and STRING_SPLIT() just doesn’t do it for you (or you’re on an older version of SQL Server), this is a good solution. It’s also the foundation for a principle I have with T-SQL query tuning: sometimes you need to think in terms of pivoted or unpivoted data and operate on it versus the raw data. Here, we’re unpivoting a string into one row per character to get what we need out of it much more efficiently than if we tried to work the string by itself.

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