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Category: Performance Tuning

A Story of Implicit Conversions

Tracy Boggiano tells a tale:

Recently I had a situation where I was looking at a SQL Instance due to a contractor who controls the system wanting to drop some indexes and they couldn’t because they couldn’t get a lock request.  Sadly, they were using the GUI to try to accomplish this.  Always makes me sad when we aren’t using scripts.  So, I took a deep drive into what was actually running on this system.  I had them send over scripts for what they were trying to do.  Meanwhile, I looked at the system and discovered some things.  First, we had really had RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE wait types for two days which indicates it waiting on memory.  So, I took a look at the memory clerks.  The top memory clerk was for lock manager at 32 GBs and the system only has 64 GBs, which is abnormal. 

Read on for the full story. This particular fix worked, I presume, because the ORM was sending all parameters as Unicode, whereas none of the strings in the database were Unicode—they were all VARCHAR rather than NVARCHAR.

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Troubleshooting High I/O Usage on Azure SQL DB

Etienne Lopes troubleshoots a strange issue:

After the downsizing (to GeneralPurpose: Standard-series (Gen5), 2 vCores) occasionally there were timeouts in the application for a very specific task (the command timeout property in the application was set to 30 seconds). Other times the very same task would execute immediately, as it should always, since the underlying query was actually quite simple: a SELECT to a single, although large table (58 GB) but with a predicate that would always result in a perfect index seek to return never more than 300 rows. Furthermore each time there were timeouts, there were also momentary I/O spikes up to 100%:

Read on to learn more about what caused this problem and how Etienne was able to resolve it.

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Executing Multiple Notebooks in one Spark Pool with Genie

Shalu Ganotra Chadra, et al, explain what Synapse Genie is:

The Genie framework is a metadata driven utility written in Python. It is implemented using threading (ThreadPoolExecutor module) and directed acyclic graph (Networkx library). It consists of a wrapper notebook, that reads metadata of notebooks and executes them within a single Spark session. Each notebook is invoked on a thread with command based on the available resources in the Spark pool. The dependencies between notebooks are understood and tracked through a directed acyclic graph.

Read on for more information about how you can use it and what the setup process looks like.

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Troubleshooting High CPU via PAGELATCH Waits

Ajay Dwiveldi does some digging:

In the above dashboards, I could clearly notice PAGELATCH_** wait at the top along with SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD. The presence of the above 2 waits is indicative of high CPU issues due to contention on the access of data file pages. I validated and found that this PAGELATCH_** wait is present almost all the time on the server. So decided to check the data of dbo.WhoIsActive that stores captured data of sp_WhoIsActive in SQLMonitor tool.

Read on for the outcome.

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Apache Spark Performance Tuning Tips

Amit Kumar shares a few tips with us:

RDD does serialisation and de-serialisation of data whenever it distributes the data across clusters such as during repartition and shuffle, and we all know that serialisation and de-serialisation are very expensive operations in spark.
On the other hand, DataFrame stores the data as binary using off-heap storage, no need for deserialization and serialization of data when it distributes to clusters. We see a big performance improvement in DataFrame over RDD

Click through for several additional tips.

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Breaking the World with auto_explain

Ryan Lambert gets a lot of explanation:

Postgres has a handy module called auto_explain. The auto_explain module lives up to its name: it runs EXPLAIN automatically for you. The intent for this module is to automatically provide information useful for troubleshooting about your slow queries as they happen. This post outlines a pitfall I recently discovered with auto_explain. Luckily for us, it’s an easy thing to avoid.

I discovered this by running CREATE EXTENSION postgis; and watching it run for quite a while before failing with an out of disk space error. That is not my typical experience with a simple CREATE EXTENSION command!

Read on to learn what happened and how you can prevent making a similar mistake.

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Azure SQL Database Performance Roundup

Reitse Eskens shares the goods:

In the past 9 blogs, I’ve shown you all sorts of Azure SQL database solutions and gave them a little run for their money. I’ve tested a lot and written about them. This blog will be about the summation of the data and my views on the combined graphs. At the end I’ll wrap it up with my way of working when a new project starts.

But before I kick off, a little Christmas present. What I didn’t do, until now, is give you access to more raw data. Now is the moment to give you more raw number to play around with for yourself and do your own analysis. Fun as it might be, I’d highly encourage you to use my sheets as a jumping point and adapt them for your own workloads. You can find the two Excel files via the link for the scripts.

This is a post I’d been waiting for, as it covers the comparisons between tiers directly, rather than inferring it from the various posts.

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Azure SQL Managed Instance Performance

Reitse Eskens wraps up a series on Azure SQL performance comparisons:

So far, the blogs were about the really SaaS databases; the database is deployed and you don’t have think about it anymore. This ease of use comes at a ‘price’. You’ve got no control whatsoever on files, you’ve lost the SQL Agent and a number of other features. The managed instance is a bit different. When I was testing you could see the TempDB files but not change them, since then a few changes have been made to this tier where you’re able to change settings and, Niko Neugebauer told the data community on twitter, there are more changes coming. With the managed instance, you get the agent back and you can run cross database query’s again. So you can safely say the managed instance is a hybrid between your trusty on-premises server and the fully managed Azure SQL database.

Click through for Reitse’s thoughts.

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RCSI and Blocking

Michael J. Swart says don’t worry, be happy:

What’s the best way to avoid most blocking issues in SQL Server? Turn on Read Committed Snapshot Isolation (RCSI). That’s it.

Do check out Erik Darling’s comment as well for one thing to keep in mind if you turn on RCSI.

The other thing to keep in mind is that, if you have WITH(NOLOCK) hanging around everywhere in your code, you won’t get as much of a benefit with RCSI until you remove them.

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