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Improving Solr Performance

Michael Sun has some tips to improve performance of Solr operations, focusing on memory tuning but including a few other tips as well:

For time series applications, it’s very common to have queries in the following pattern

q=*:*&fq=[NOW-3DAYS TO NOW]

However, this is not a good practice from memory perspective. Under the hood, Solr converts ‘NOW’ to a specific timestamp, which is the time when the query hits Solr. Therefore, two consecutive queries with the same field query fq=[NOW-3DAYS TO NOW] are considered different queries once ‘NOW’ is replaced by the two different timestamp. As a result, both of these queries would hit disk and can’t take advantage of caches.

In most of use cases, missing data of last minute is acceptable. Therefore, try to query in the following way if your business logic allows.


If you’re using Solr for full text search, this is rather useful information.