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Visualizing Emergency Room Visits

Eugene Joh has a great blog post showing how to parse ICD-9 codes using regular expressions and then visualize the results as a treemap:

It looks like there is a header/title at [1], numeric grouping  at [2] “1.\tINFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES”,  subgrouping by ICD-9 code ranges, at [3] “Intestinal infectious diseases (001-009)” and then 3-digit ICD-9 codes followed by a specific diagnosis, at [10] “007\tOther protozoal intestinal diseases”. At the end we want to produce three separate data frames that we’ll categorize as:

  1. Groups: the title which contains the general diagnosis grouping

  2. Subgroups: the range of ICD-9 codes that contain a certain diagnosis subgroup

  3. Classification: the specific 3-digit ICD-9 code that corresponds with a diagnosis

It’s a beefy article full of insight.